My Great Hope for 2012
NOTE! Although of course my hope for 2012 include world peace and the defeat of both SOPA and PIPA, this is not that kind of blog post….
My hope for 2012 is to continue to hurtle toward old-person-ness with Rachel. Seriously, you’d think we were each 68 years old instead of just having a combined age of 68.
To wit, we:
- go for daily walks
- eat dinner at 5pm
- carry a lot of ibuprofin (it’s kinda like aspirin!)
- wear comfortable shoes
- eat a lot of soup
- watch a lot of crime dramas
- drink a lot of tea
- carry a lot of tissues
- eat a high fiber diet
- love pickles and olives (maybe that was just my grandmother?)
- play a lot of dominoes…AND Yahtzee
- are great believers in daily pill cases set up a week ahead of time
I think the only thing we’re missing is the hard candy in a peacock glass dish, which we shall set out post haste!
What else are we missing?
I also hope to get a job and for us to move to the DC Metro Area, sure.
Do you have a zig-zag crocheted afghan? You need one of those.
Do you hoard edibles in your purse? Saltines, mints, and jam packets… Along with handi-wipes?
Handi-wipes, Primal Strips, and fruit snacks…it’s close. But we don’t take them from restaurants. Well, sometimes I might take Splenda…that shit is expensive, yo.
I hope I have plenty more opportunities to dish out pound cake (NOT made with Splenda), tea, and apple products for the two of you in 2012.
Also, I’m pretty sure that old people do not wear woodland-animal hats. Just sayin’…
Hmm. You might have us there.
Thanks for helping me realize our combined age is 91.
I’m here for you.
Do you play Boggle? Or Scrabble? Or, better yet, both?
How about jigsaw puzzles? They should be part of the package.
We are not anti them, but do not own any…
While making Julekake this year (Norwegian Christmas bread), I found myself tucking a kleenex in my sleeve to keep it handy for the mistiness of missing my grandmother who taught me to make it. So, there’s the kleenex-tucking thing. Get on it.
Here’s hoping to see you two ensconced closer in and an in-person meetup in 2012!
Oh – and we’re a combined 83.
Looks like you’ve got all the right ingredients! Sounds fabulous, if you ask me 🙂
Does your house have that distinctive old-sheets-in-the-closet smell? Part of the bona-fid-ees.
Miss seeing you on twitter.